StrongHands Blockchain
2 min readFeb 16, 2023

Haven’t heard yet? We’re having a Pool Party!

The iSHND Pool Party is a promotional event where 10 lucky winners will receive a ticket, which will grant them access to the party and 5k iSHND. The total value of each ticket is 5k iSHND. Additionally, the 10 ticket holders will combine their 5k iSHND contributions to form a 50k liquidity pool on Pancake Swap.

As a ticket holder, you will have a stake in the 50k liquidity pool and receive a share of the fees generated from it, which will be split among the 10 ticket holders. It is important to note that if you decide to leave the pool, your ticket will be forfeited and raffled off to another member of the community, who will then be able to receive a share of the fee payouts.

To participate, follow the rules:

  1. You must be a member of our discord, telegram, and a follower of our Twitter page.
  2. You must hold or have held 20k iSHND within the date range of 01/01/23–02/05/23 (when the pool goes live you must hold 20k iSHND in your wallet at all times to remain in the pool and keep your pool ticket).
  3. Have at least 1 post on Twitter tagging our @shndofficial profile within the date range of 01/01/23–02/05/23.
  4. Create/Copy 1 piece of artwork (It can be a previously used or posted iSHND picture) and post it along with a tweet tagging StrongHands Finance.
  5. You must have completed at least 1 purchase of 1k iSHND or more in between the dates of 01/01/23–02/05/23 (Can be separate buys to equal 1k total)

For more information, please follow our Telegram community!

Telegram: https://t.me/StrongHands

Twitter: https://twitter.com/shndofficial

Buy iSHND in our favorite DEX:



StrongHands Blockchain

A traditional community founded in 2015 made by people who are engaged to make cryptocurrency a new economy for everyone.